Saturday, February 14, 2015

Middle Prong Trail to Greenbrier Trail

Middle Prong Trail to Greenbrier Trail
February 14, 2015
14.11 Miles Total
5.91 New Miles
360.09 Total Smoky Miles to Date (Since November 2013)
47.9 Total Miles in 2015
There isn't a better way to spend Valentines Day then in the Smoky Mountains.

Middle Prong is a beautiful walk along the river.  There is a steady incline but not too challenging.  Once you get to Greenbrier the incline is much steeper. 

The hike was made a little more challenging because of the ice along the trail and quite a few downed trees.  The frozen waterfalls were definitely a highlight of the day.

We did see some cool artifacts at the old homesite.

The creek crossings once you get to Greenbrier are a little challenging, probably much easier in the warmer weather.  We had to add some rocks and a tree to this crossing to get across.

All in all, a beautiful day on the mountain.

On to the next adventure!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Brushy Mountain Trail

Brushy Mountain Trail
February 7, 2015
11.8 Miles Total
11 New Miles
348.29 Total Smoky Miles to Date (Since November 2013)
36.1 Total Miles in 2015

Three syllables....A MAZ ING!!!!

If you want a challenge this is your trail.  Trees across the trail, creek crossings, snow 6-12 inches deep, long inclines and declines.  Plus lots of history.

The trail starts a mile up the Porters Creek trail.  It starts off as an easy stroll through an old homesite.

Heavy metal half circles, not sure what they are.
Turtle Tree

 The sky was absolutely beautiful and clear and the trees seemed to reach the sky.

We came around the mountain after about 2 miles to find about 6 inches of snow, which at times got up to 12 inches deep, making the climb even more strenuous.

A beautiful small waterfall!

The sign we thought we would never see!!!!!  The junction, only .4 miles to go!

Then WOW!  The view!  

Now I remember why I am so addicted to this!!!!!


After a quick lunch, time to head back down.  I could have stayed up here for hours!

And the sun sets on another absolutely beautiful day in the Smoky Mountains.  The countdown begins to the next hike.....

Happy Hiker!