Saturday, April 18, 2015

Chestnut Top, Schoolhouse Gap and White Oak Sinks

Chestnut Top, Schoolhouse Gap and White Oak Sinks
April 18, 2015
6.4 Miles Total
4.3 New Miles
396.49 Total Smoky Miles to Date (Since November 2013)
84.3 Total Miles in 2015

Flowers, Flowers, Flowers!!!

We started on Schoolhouse Gap and went about a mile to the horse gate on the left, which is how you get to White Oak Sinks.  Schoolhouse Gap is an easy stroll in the park.  White Oak Sinks is easy on the way in but a bit of a short climb to get back out of.  Once you get down in White Oak Sinks there are several small trails to explore.  They don't go far because the park has closed off the cave and the waterfall to let the bats recover.  The poor little bats came down with White Nose Syndrome.  

We came down Chestnut Top, which is what I would recommend unless you like climbing.  It's a little hard on the knees coming down but in the spring you don't notice because there are so many beautiful flowers to enjoy.  

This hike was like spending a day in heaven.  Blue skies, creepy crawlies and beautiful flowers everywhere!  Enjoy!

Until the next adventure......